
Unilith or expanded polystyrene

Unilith or expanded polystyrene

In Iran, Yunolit is known as Plastopom, Yunolit, and Akassif, and its main name is Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). In many North American countries, this product is known as Styrofoam. Unolite is a light and porous material, usually white, which is used in packaging and insulation, sometimes it is also called white fiber. But in reality, Unolit is a type of white polymer, moisture, sound and temperature insulation, which is prepared from petrochemical processes. Polystyrene was discovered by Edward Simon in 1839; And in 1959, expanded polystyrene was produced by the Cooper Company from this material for insulation, making devices that require thermal insulation and packing sensitive electrical, electronic and mechanical tools, making refrigerators for transporting medicine – blood products, transporting marine products (fish and shrimp). is used

Unilite is used in cold stores, fishing companies (as ice cream) to transport fishery products such as fish and shrimp, sound recording studios and sound isolation in spaces with high noise pollution, as well as making replicas, temporary advertising boards and decorations. Styrofoam is used in the construction industry in Various and standard sizes are used as ceiling blocks.

The raw material of Unolite is styrene and it is obtained in petrochemicals. Polystyrene or the abbreviation PS is the primary material.


Normal 10 cm thick unolith is insulated against 42 dB of sound.
Normal 10 cm thick unolite is about 35% thermal insulation against heat transfer.
Unolith recycling
So far, it has not been practically possible to recycle unolith. Because recycled polystyrene is potentially contaminated. But Ashton Cofer, a young inventor, has managed to turn Unolite into a useful product. Conversations are presented by gender. Know more

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