
Design of plastic products

Design of plastic products

Design of plastic products Design of plastic products But some of these products failed because the designers did not have enough information about the properties of the plastics used, or instead of the practical use of the material, they only thought about the material motivation and the price of the product. In this article, the basic rules in the design of plastic products are briefly discussed.

Material considerations:
Materials with the right properties should be selected in such a way that they match the design, economic and service conditions. Plastic materials should be carefully selected considering the application of the final product. The choice of final material for a product depends on factors such as design freedom, manufacturing methods, total price or selling price of the final product. The properties of plastics are more dependent on temperature than other materials. Plastics are more sensitive to changes in the environment.

When designing a plastic product, it is very important to consider the physical, chemical and thermal environments. The useful temperature range of most plastics rarely exceeds 200°C. The useful temperature range of most plastics rarely exceeds 200°C.

Some plastics retain their properties at extremely low temperatures. Some plastics retain their properties at extremely low temperatures.

Some plastics retain their properties at extremely low temperatures. Some plastics retain their properties at extremely low temperatures.

Plastics can be used whenever the freezing and packaging of food is considered or the taste and smell are an issue.

Plastics can be used whenever the freezing and packaging of food is considered or the taste and smell are an issue.
All plastics have good electrical insulation properties. All plastics have good electrical insulation properties. All plastics have good electrical insulation properties. Without the use of plastics, it was not possible to make effective radars in all weather conditions and underwater sonar. Plastics are also used to insulate, cover and protect electronic components.

chemical properties:
The chemical and electrical nature of plastics are closely related to each other due to their molecular structure. There is no general rule for chemical resistance. The chemical and electrical nature of plastics are closely related to each other due to their molecular structure. There is no general rule for chemical resistance.

The permeability of polyethylene plastics is considered a useful feature in the packaging of fresh fruits and meats. Silicones and other plastics allow oxygen and gases to pass through a thin membrane while simultaneously blocking the passage of water molecules and many chemical ions.

: strong, wpml_linebreak In the design of parts that are subjected to force, pressure and mechanical loads, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors, both for plastic and for other materials used:
1- Fatigue
1- Fatigue
1- Fatigue
1- Fatigue
5- Strength against impact
6- Difficulty
7- Vibration damping
7- Vibration damping
9- Thermal expansion
10- Dimensional stability

10- Dimensional stability
Price, or cost, is always a major factor in design or material selection issues. However, in certain cases, chemical resistance, electrical resistance and moisture resistance may overcome the high price factor. However, in certain cases, chemical resistance, electrical resistance and moisture resistance may overcome the high price factor.

Appearance: strong,
The consumer is probably most aware of the physical appearance of the product. This apparent situation is due to the following effective parameters.
1- Design
2- Color
3- Optical properties
4- Surface payment.
5- Texture

Plastics may be as smooth as clear or colored glass or as soft as fur. In many cases, plastics may be the only materials that exhibit the optimal combination of properties to meet service and in-service requirements.

Production considerations:
In tool and mold design, material shrinkage rate, plastic injection speed, mold design, separation lines of two mold halves, timers, finishing, protruding rods, decorations, dimensional fluctuations, connections, production speeds and other operations should be taken into consideration. to give

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