
Tips for achieving sustainable development goals in the food industry

Tips for achieving sustainable development goals in the food industry

  • Have different sizes in your menu, including baby food, special food, business food, etc. Your customers will surely appreciate having the option to choose different amounts of food, which will reduce food waste on their plates, and at the same time, they will not pay extra for meal selection.
  • Highlight those parts of the menu that are more environmentally friendly (both in terms of sourcing raw materials and referring to the use of some type of seasonal produce).
  • If you find that some raw materials for food production are thrown away because you cannot use them until the end of their validity period, it is wiser to buy in smaller packages.
  • Find your local compost center and drop off your food scraps. Know that the leftover food in your dish, which remains on your plate due to ordering more than you need, goes to landfills along with garbage and is destroyed by methane gas (which is one of the most harmful gases that damage the environment) ) decomposes.
  • Donate your leftover food to charity.
  • Finally, use plant-based disposable containers such as Bio-Plant Disposable Containers so they can easily be composted with your food scraps.
  • By buying organic dishes, you can save the amount of water used while washing the dishes.

To maintain sustainable development, all existing aspects should be considered and everyone from authorities and organizations to consumers should participate in its implementation. Anyone who is business minded and wants to make a big profit should consider that when the government allocates funds for energy conservation and renewable resource use strategies, they can take advantage of countless opportunities for expansion. Use your business. In addition, customers not only eat more healthy food (whether they eat out or eat in restaurants), they become more aware of the source of their food supply and are aware of any green actions you take in your business. This, in turn, will increase the credibility of your company.

Some practical advice:

  • Once you have decided to initiate green business practices for your business, start with one area first and then slowly involve more aspects of your business. That way, the changes won’t seem overwhelming and you’ll give your employees a chance to gradually adjust to the changes.
  • For small businesses, this simple measure to reduce energy and water consumption, such as turning off devices after consumption, not using several air cooling devices in the hot seasons at the same time, and using heating and lighting sensors that control the systems in use. Automatically shut off, seriously helping to reduce energy consumption. If you reduce just 20% of your total energy consumption, you can easily add 5% profit.
  • Constantly look for solutions to be more compatible with the environment. In this regard, you do not need to act on any kind of consultants. Because what seems appropriate for another business, may not necessarily be appropriate for you.
  • Implement changes and communicate them to customers, organizations, the media, and anyone else who is interested in hearing. Sustainability is not only an ethical decision, but an important and profitable one for your business. Let’s take the help of environmentally friendly policies for your business to have a significant improvement over your competitors.
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